British Horseracing Authority

British Horseracing Authority

Together, we’re building a brighter future for our sport, our horses and our people.

  • Federations & Governing Bodies
  • London, UK
  • 250-2000 employees
  • Website

Our Vision

Together, we’re building a brighter future for our sport, our horses, and our people.

Our Mission

The British Horseracing Authority is responsible for the governance, administration, and regulation of horseracing and the wider horseracing industry in Britain. The BHA leads on the development and growth of racing, and prioritises the health and welfare of the sport’s participants.

What We Do

Regulation and Governance

  • Keeping racing fair and clean – The BHA aims to maintain the integrity of British racing by supporting participants to comply with the rules and by dealing appropriately and effectively with rule breaches.
  • Delivering competitive and compelling racing – The BHA aims to produce a fixture list and race programme that works for horsemen and racecourses and drives wider engagement in our sport.

Health, Development, and Growth of the Sport

  • Securing long-term, sustainable funding for the sport – The BHA represents and promotes the best interests of racing with one clear voice.
  • Working with others to grow the sport – The BHA ensures all participant groups benefit from growth in the sport.

Health and Welfare of the Sport’s Horses and People

  • Leading on equine health and welfare – The BHA prioritises the health and welfare of racehorses and sets standards to ensure they receive first-class care and attention.
  • Looking after our people – The BHA prioritises the well-being and development of racing’s people and supports others to make racing a great place to work.

The BHA is responsible for:

  • Licensing
  • Regulating racecourses
  • Rules compliance
  • Fixture list and race planning
  • Handicapping
  • Racing administration
  • Raceday operations and regulation
  • International liaison and guardianship of the Pattern and Listed race programme
  • Medical services
  • Leadership of equine welfare
  • Industry careers marketing
  • Industry recruitment, training, and retention
  • Participant health and welfare


Our Values

  • Integrity: We aim to do the right thing to uphold our reputation for fairness and maintain the trust of our stakeholders.
  • Accountable: We take personal responsibility for our actions and strive to improve the health of British Racing.
  • Credible: We are open and honest about what we do and treat everyone fairly and with respect.
  • Responsive: We stay in tune with the sport’s diverse stakeholders to effectively meet agreed objectives and goals.
  • Progressive: We promote a forward-thinking and collaborative culture while respecting the strong heritage of British Racing as a sport and an industry.

Workplace Culture

In a forward-thinking environment that encourages collaboration, cohesion, commitment, and confidence, the BHA provides leadership for British racing. We respect the deep traditions and proud history of the sport while guiding it towards a bright future.

The BHA fosters a culture that respects and recognises the contributions and professionalism of its diverse people. We strive to understand, be attentive to, and proactively address the needs of our participants and wider stakeholders.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

The BHA is proud to be a founding signatory of the sport’s Industry Commitment to improve diversity and inclusion. The BHA’s own Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan can be viewed on the website.

We are committed to attracting, recruiting, and nurturing the best people from a wide range of backgrounds. We understand the value of bringing together a variety of experiences.


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